Summer Editorial 2006

We're also close to making our first anniversary, the C64Music! blog was launched in August 2005 with the hopes of making a little journal for musicians who "still" use the Commodore 64. No idea about writing at all really, just enthusiasm about the SID scene and the urge to have a blog about something geeky. Almost a month after the launch we got syndicated by , this event and all the positive mails we got was a clear sign that we were "accepted"... We started testing with some advertising, and we decided to fully get rid of it, it's just ugly. Only the C64 banner network stays. You don't deserve all those irrelevant ugly ads.
The only thing we'd like to do still is to make the jump into wordpress, with a proper domain name and everything.. just need the time to get it done. Watching the stats over a year, I can more or less say that we have about 1000 readers per week, niice. thanks friends. But then, I must say that the sister site of C64Music! is winning in terms of audience... and just in a few months, talking about the Studiotoolz! site. A heaven come true for mac musicians.
About my personal adventures, I finally found a vinyl copy of Input64, released by Enduro.. in a shop around the corner. (14€ for a 2x12") (are they really recorded with SIDplay ?) .. I've read in some reviews that the following Output64 remix CDs are not as good.. hmm.. anyways.. nice vinyl to have in the shelf if you're a bit of a vinyl junkie.

And for your amazement, haven't ordered Prophet64 yet... why ? dunno, just too many things happening, im just hoping that there will be some left for me =). Also, still hoping to find an SX64.. rrrrrrrr.
And at last, we heard that Edwin Van Santen aka EVS/20CC left our section of the world on May 24th... The 8Bit Mayhem podcast raised a tribute on his name, play it loud and have a drink on his name. EVS!
Editor / C64Music
At Sunday, July 02, 2006 9:55:00 am,
Anonymous said…
most of the input 64 tunes have been recorded using HardSID as 3 seperate tracks and then digitally mixed together with little eqing on a DAW. however the hardsid didn't proces the 4th-channel samples (aka chris hülsbeck voice) so those tunes were software rendered by sidplay.
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