Chiptune Commercial Rip-Off's striking !

They have played festivals, releasing music and videos and now that the scandal is up they have been removing all the songs from their sites and blaming the productions on some other guy that seems to be invented. The authors of the original songs have created a page about this here, where you can hear for yourself the mp3s of the original songs and the stolen ones.
Ok, they have stolen music, but essentially they are a teeny trashy band (and from norway), they're not supposed to get famous with this, and I kind of expect this attitude at this level somehow, and thinking better, this is what hiphop is all about in terms of sampling, you don't really credit the samples used in your productions unless you want to pay for the sampling clearance, this is why producers find/chop samples that noone will ever recognize, and if you really want to be amazed, high caliber hiphop producers are also sampling from the chiptune scene, in one of the latest productions of Timbaland, the last album from Nelly Furtado "Loose", there is a song called ‘Do It’ that is completely based on the track Acid Jazzed Evening by Tempest, really amazing discovery, there is torrent file circulating with a very cool mp3 comparison of the two tracks...
And to continue the stealing vibe of this story, yeah, I'm going to rip some bits off Goto80's blog, why not, he's got some good bits in it :) Hi Anders !
An older “rip-off” is the MTV-hit You’ve Got My Love where Bastian sampled the drums off Jeroen Tel and Reyn Ouwehand’s old C-64 song Rubicon. In the end, Bastian had to pay for it though. They even show C64 Tshirts in the video, giving out clues is not wise!
other cases of ripping
Bodenständig 2000 got ripped off by the commercial mobile phone terrorists Jamba a couple of years ago. I forgot about the details though…
Zombie Nation’s ‘Kernkraft 400′ covered David Whittaker’s Lazy Jones (subtrack21) but according to NME Whittaker did actually receive money for it.
At Sunday, January 14, 2007 1:27:00 am,
Anonymous said…
shame on "fitts for fight" although I have to say that naive female vocals plus chiptunes actually sound good, compare micromusic's own "smalltown girl" by sidabitball vs screamclub. (oops. that's an uncleared cover of bronski beat's "smalltown boy" of course... seems like "stealing" is not really uncommon. not that I'd mind.)
also it's nice that whittaker got paid for lazy jones melody #21 by zombie nation. i just wonder if he paid for all the other songs (nena, john williams, visage...) he used for that game back then.
At Wednesday, January 17, 2007 5:51:00 am,
M.A.S. said…
Interesting that you posted about this. This seems to be a story going around the net. We posted about this yesterday over at after one of the livePA artists brought this to our attention on the messageboards.
I would not be surprised if this story begins to blow up online. Way to spread the word on this.
At Tuesday, January 30, 2007 1:18:00 am,
Anonymous said…
The bunny scares me.
At Wednesday, June 03, 2015 10:27:00 am,
Anonymous said…
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