The Digi we were looking for...

The digi is sampled from Billy Idol's "Flesh For Fantasy" but I haven't got a clue of who sampled it into the 64, no credits , no graphics , nada... this is probably one of my biggest traumas of the Commodore 64 era.
Enjoy this Coldcut !
the real thing for the Commodore 64
recorded with an emulator - Thanks Darren!
just found out that it was done by Radwar. Check the release info. Read more about Playing digis on the 64: theory, SID internals, $d418 digis, and Pulse Width Modulation in the issue #20 from C=Hacking.
Illustration from To Be on Top
At Friday, December 16, 2005 4:06:00 pm,
Anonymous said…
I sold my first c64, since I had another one, but I stupidly sold my programming manuals and all floppies, 1910(?) screen and floppie drive:(
I shouldn't have done that.
At Monday, December 19, 2005 1:37:00 am,
Anonymous said…
Also, a Plus/4 version exists too:
At Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:00:00 am,
editor said…
oh my chip! there are 253 Digis in the whole demo/digi section !!!! what's going on the plus4 digiscene ???
At Tuesday, July 11, 2006 10:30:00 pm,
Anonymous said…
This is crazy! Impossible to say the least...I was searching for this digi for to find a C64 demo which you don't know the title of, just a memory of the guitars?? Triggered by your caption "the digi we were looking for"....great!!
At Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:10:00 pm,
pedro velasquez said…
The guys from XenonDisco developed in the sportsbook 90s a series of software and hardware (that looks like a prop from the movie Wargames) to control lighting rigs for their live gigs. They programmed LSQ & ProLSQ for the Commodore 128 and ProLogic for the Commodore 64. A real cool feature of ProLSQ is that it can use DualCPU, bet nfl yes, it's possible to link two C128's in a Master-Slave fashion. wow... that really rocks. Obviously, the software required some hardware to drive the lights. First version of the hardware was a quite crude design (called "the sportsbook triac box") with 8 channels. It basically consisted of 8 optocouplers driving 8 transistors driving 8 triacs. Anyway it fulfilled our demands as we could switch sufficiently heavy loads and interface it directly with a Commodore 64 or 128. The triac box was mounted in the end of a long bar where 16 colored lights was mounted.
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