Digi Organizer & Music Player

but that's not all, the best thing is that it combines one digi-sample sequence and a normal SID module, making use of the fourth digi channel available on the 6581 chip.
Uses songs composed using players such as the JCH, DMC, VOICETRACKER, GOATTRACKER and others to finally combine the songs with modules composed on Padua's DIGI-ORGANIZER.
I recorded a little mp3 demo of the intro screen, Just hear it (recorded on an emulator, sorry) be warned it cuts off suddenly.. no fancy fadeout!
Get the real thing and load your own music and digi-organizer module and then check it out! :o) 4 real !

Thanks Richard !!!
At Saturday, November 27, 2010 10:37:00 am,
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Nice blog about music player
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