Digitunes for your brain...

And believe me.. it was enough then.
This one is the ultra famous "Holiday Rap", a cover version from Madonna's hit single, produced by MC Miker G & Deejay Sven in 1986, a bit later someone I don't know sampled the digi into the C64 and did a short arrangement with the sampled pieces. A killer for the times.
This second version(?) was done by Chuck Laboratories, it uses different cue points and adds a bit of spice with the use of sampling tricks, like that classic pitch sample triggering effect of the 80s.. Have fun dancing with this one.
Get it ! Ring - a - ring - a - don !
Want more ? then head over here and go straight to Music -> Digital Samplings...
Question: Does anyone remember a Digitune/demo called "Flash for Fantasy" ?
I'm looking for it. Let me know.
At Tuesday, November 22, 2005 3:58:00 am,
Anonymous said…
I remember listening to this around when it came out :) I also remember a digi that had Daffy Duck, and Porky Pig saying "You must pay the penalty!" And Porky saying "But I don't want to pay the penalty, I want to go home".. interspersed with a dancy type digi tune that I didn't recognize... anybody else know of this!?!!?
At Tuesday, November 22, 2005 9:41:00 pm,
shroomAzoom said…
I remember Flash for Fantasy as part of the loader for Mounty Mick's Deathride.
At Thursday, November 24, 2005 12:48:00 pm,
editor said…
I didn't know the Daffy Duck one (I'd like to hear it) and about the Mounty Mick's Deathride loader, the release I have only brings a very standard cracktro...
Somebody must have this...
At Monday, December 12, 2005 6:28:00 pm,
Anonymous said…
Yes I have this prog. I was looking for it for ages!
contact me at stainy[at]clara[dot]co[dot]uk
:) love to help!
At Thursday, January 26, 2006 10:12:00 pm,
Anonymous said…
"It's a sin" was my favourite digi"tune". I had it on tape, and it was worth the load every time. It even had some arrangement with pitch-shifting. ;]
At Tuesday, August 08, 2006 10:43:00 pm,
Anonymous said…
Does anyone remember the 15 second samples of Van Halen's "Why Can't this be Love" and "Land of Confusion" by Genesis?
Back in the day, these really impressed everyone. I'd like to find these!
At Wednesday, June 03, 2015 11:01:00 am,
Anonymous said…
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