New release by Visa Röster

Visa Röster are releasing today another acappella album covering classic Commodore 64 game songs.
Their 4th album "Ready. Vocally Too" will be officially released on the Retro Concert Party in Copenhagen / Denmark.
"...This is THE album for you retro music fans. With 18 well-known Commodore 64 game tunes, almost 70 minutes of a cappella and vocal glory.
If you've ever played games such as Commando, Bomb Jack, Delta, Rambo, Wizball, M.U.L.E., Thrust, Roland's Rat Race, Caverns of Khafka, Formula 1 Simulator, Fairlight, Zoids, Thanatos or Last Ninja 3 - then this CD is for you.
With the help of award-winning remixers Makke, Larsec, Sumppi, DHS, O2 and Mahoney, not only the a cappella parts of the album but also the second half with vocals and instruments is candy for your ears...."
Get it!
At Wednesday, June 03, 2015 11:03:00 am,
Anonymous said…
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