What is the COM-DRUM Digital Drum System ?

As you can see, it says COM-DRUM Digital Drum System and Editor... hmm... I knew about the sampler but not about the software for it. Would really like to have a peek at this.
Update: I FOUND IT ! Will write about it soon.

At Sunday, November 13, 2005 7:52:00 pm,
Anonymous said…
I've got the Datel sampler for the C64 together with the Sampler Software. I still use it from time to time.
It is in fact an 8 bit monophonic sampler. It's got 1 mono output, 1 mono line input and 1 mono mic input. The rotary pot sets the input sensitivity.
The software let's you sample a sound, choose it's start, end and loop point.
There can only be one sample at a time in memory. The highest sample frequency is around 22khz if I'm not mistaken. At the lowest sample frequency it's possible to sample 8 seconds. At the highest sample frequency it's just a fraction of a second.
You can also use it as an effects processor where the input is processed in real time with an effect and than passed back to the output. Effects are: Reverb (a very short delay), ring modulation (actually a very fast tremelo effect) and delay. With the delay effect the rotary pot on the back becomes the delay feedback knob.
It's also possible to view the sample waveform in 2D and 3D. The 3D image is just the 2D waveform stretched in the 3rd dimension. So no extra information can be obtained from the 3D image. There's also an oscilloscope function where the input is shown in real time on the screen.
There is a little sequencer build in to the software. Once you start to play with the sample the sequencer records everything up until- I don't remember how many notes -. When you're done playing you can replay your notes.
There's one song on my website (Analysis of an unsuccesful day) where the C64 sampler is used.
At Wednesday, May 16, 2007 6:22:00 am,
Mutant Hero said…
Hey I just got my Sampler 64 returned to me from a friend. I have an mp3 song that I used it as a drum machine on in 1987. Excellent!
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